Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Mānoa (OLLI–UHM)

Poetry and the Senses: Read, writeand experience the world through poetry

We’ll discuss one or two poems per session using thefive senses. We’ll look at works by Mary Oliver, JaneKenyon and poets connected to Hawaii such as W.S.Merwin, Garrett Hongo, Huanani-Kay Trask and No’uRevilla. People swear they do not understand poetry.But when we slow down and read aloud, the lines,images and music open to us. With poetry floatingthrough the room, we’ll write using prompts. Eachstudent will need a notebook and pen.Deborah is a published poet and creative writingteacher. She’s worked as a freelance journalist andcontent writer. Currently, she is at work on a collectionof poetry entitled Dear One and her second novel.After 20+ years in Los Angeles, she counts herselflucky to have made Oahu her home.

Instructor: Deborah Harada, MA
Dates: Thursdays, Sept 28 - Nov 16 (8 mtgs.)
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Location: Windward Community College, HaleKuhina, Room 112

American Mahjong for Beginners

This is a Beginners Class to learn American Mahjong.In this course you will learn the equipment, rules,setup, terminology, and basics of how to play as wellas some tips. After covering the basics, you willparticipate in playing the game, as part of a team orindividually. Please bring your own game sets. Youalso will be introduced to an online version you cansubscribe to, for playing against a computer, yourfriends, or strangers.

Instructor: Mark Steiner
Dates: Thursdays, Oct 5 – Nov 16 (6 mtgs.)
Time: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Location: Windward Community College, Hale Kuhina, Room 114
Supplies: You are encouraged to order your ownLaminated Rules Card in advance, for $15 for the largesize from nationalmahjonggleague.org. Membership isincluded for free. Paper copies will be available in caseyou do not receive yours in time.