Hawaii Ocean Education

Ocean Safety and Education

(808) 235-7433

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Hawaii Ocean Education

Our mission is to provide education and training in ocean recreation and safety activities that will benefit the visitor industries as well as the ocean recreation communities in Hawai‘i and abroad. This program offers state licensing for recreational thrill craft operation (FIT8110 Recreational Thrill Craft Operator) and tow-in surfing (FIT8100 Ocean Safety Education). Students completing each course gain a basic understanding of the history, principles and best practices locally and nationally, and traditional Hawaiian cultural context of the activity as well. To be eligible for a tow-in surfing license you must successfully complete the recreational thrill craft course. Prepare for your ocean adventure with Windward Community College.
State of Hawaii Mandated Courses • NASBLA Training
Boating Safety Education
Sail boat on water

Boating Safety Education

The NASBLA  and Hawaii DLNR approved Boating Safety Course must be completed prior to enrolling in the Recreational Thrill Craft course.

BoatUS.org (free)
Windward CC no longer offers the Safe Boating in Hawaiian Waters course.
If you have taken this course from WCC and need a replacement card click on the button below.
DLNR and NASBLA logos
man on jet ski

Recreational Thrill Craft Operator Safety Education (online, real-time)

Learn about local ocean safety principles and practices--including historical, cultural, and customary practices of Hawaii’s ocean users, and rules regarding protected species and thrill craft operation in Hawaii. Effective January 2005 all recreational thrill craft (personal watercraft) operators in Hawaii must complete this certification class on the safe use and operation of a thrill craft before operating in Hawaiian waters.

Class Prerequisite

Please provide the following items prior to registering for this class:
  • Present  your NASBLA  and Hawaii DLNR approved Boating Safety Education Card.
  • Verify your existing USCG Merchant Mariner Credentials or request for Reciprocity (non-Hawaii certification) with DLNR Division of Boater and Ocean Recreation (DOBOR). Upon approval by DOBOR the Boating Safety Education credential may be waived.
    Click on the link below to upload your credentials for review.
    For questions regarding document verification:  call:  (808) 587-1966 or email: Dlnr.bd.boatingsafety@hawaii.gov

More information about boater safety education in Hawaii.
How to Complete the Hawaii Boating Safety Education Course

Select a Compliant Internet Course:
BoatUS.org (free)
Class meets in real-time via Zoom video conferencing.
Participants must successfully complete the online exam in order to receive certification.

• Active email address per participant (no sharing)
• Computer, Tablet (iPad, Galaxy, etc.) or Smartphone
• Access to high speed internet (min. 512k)
• Device with camera, microphone & speaker
• Most recent updated browsers

Date:  Offered monthly (click on REGISTER NOW button for current dates)
Time: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm HST
Location: online

Fee: $135

Email your documents to: wccocet@hawaii.edu
For class registration assistance call: (808) 235-7367  
DLNR and NASBLA logos
man on jet ski

Ocean Safety Educational Course (Tow-In)  in-person

Courses offered on 'Oahu , Kaua'i, Maui and Hawai'i Island

Learn about the legal and regulatory requirements for persons who participate in the sport of tow-in surfing in Hawaii; risk management principles; local ocean safety principles and practices; rules and laws pertaining to protected species in ocean waters in Hawaii; the safe use and operation of a thrill craft; boating skills as they apply to the sport of tow-in surfing; and the historical, cultural, and customary practices of Hawaii’s ocean users. Effective September 2003 all recreational thrill craft (personal watercraft) operators participating in the sport of tow-in surfing in Hawaii must complete this approved ocean safety education course.

Class Prerequisites

Please provide the following items prior to registering for this class:
  1. Present  your NASBLA  and Hawaii DLNR approved Boating Safety Education Card.
    Verify your existing USCG Merchant Mariner Credentials or request for Reciprocity (non-Hawaii certification) with DLNR Division of Boater and Ocean Recreation (DOBOR). Upon approval by DOBOR the Boating Safety Education credential may be waived.
    Click on the link below to upload your credentials for review.
    For document verification:  call:  (808) 587-1966 or email: Dlnr.bd.boatingsafety@hawaii.gov
  2. Present your NASBLA and Hawaii DLNR approved Recreational Thrill Craft (PWC) Card.

More information about boater safety education in Hawaii.
Time:  9:30 am – 5:30pm
Location: Windward CC, Hale Kuhina 115
Fee: $135

Location: Kauai Community College
Fee: $135

Location: UH Maui College
Fee: $135

Location: Hawaii Community College
Fee: $135
Click on the REGISTER NOW FOR TOW-IN button to view all available dates.
Email your documents to: wccocet@hawaii.edu
For class registration assistance: call: (808) 235-7367
DLNR and NASBLA logos