AI icon and Chat gpt logo

Gen AI: Exploring the Future of Digital Literacy

April 5 (online)
Don't just be curious about the AI revolution – start exploring it responsibly! Learn the foundational skills of AI interaction and prompt crafting,
man wearing hard hat and tall buildings

Certified Energy Auditor

Apr 14–Jun 22  (online)
A technical review of how to analyze commercial and industrial facility’s energy systems.

Certified Energy Manager

Apr 28–Jun 29  (online)
Designed to help energy professionals to become more aware of and effective at identifying and implementing the best energy management strategies.
female nurse aide and male patient

Acute Care Nurse's Aide

April 21—May 30  (in-person)
A hands-on training to successfully transition to employment as a Nurse Aide.
jet skis

Recreational Thrill Craft Operator Safety Education

Apr 23 (online)
To participate in personal watercraft sports in  Hawaii you must complete this  state required course.

Ocean Safety Educational Course (Tow-In)

KAUAI: Apr 25 (in-person)
OAHU: Apr 25 (in-person)

To participate in the sport of tow-in surfing in  Hawaii you must complete this  state required course.
person writing

Writing Retreat

Apr 26 (in-person)
A fun opportunity to meet and write in company with other beginning and experienced writers.
hokulani imaginarium

Hokulani Imaginarium

Hawaiian for Starry Heavens, Windward Community College's Hōkūlani Imaginarium is a high-tech planetarium and multi-media facility that allows audiences to experience immersive adventures in a true 360° environment.
three students

Free tuition for a year!

Get free one-year tuition. Graduating high school seniors from the windward area planning to attend Windward CC this Fall 2025.

Need a job? Windward CC offers on- and off-campus jobs. 
hawaii's best award 2019 2020 2021

WCC voted Hawaiiʻs Best!

First Place: Best Childcare
First Place Tutoring Center:  TriO Student Success Services
Finalist: Best College/University - WCC
Finalist: Best Career and Technical  Education - WCC

man in shirt and tie, man playing guitar, man and a dog, woman on phone

Windward CC - AA Degrees and Certificates

Business Core  
For business majors interested in a four-year degree, this two-year accelerated learning experience provides the opportunity for direct transfer to the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Shidler College of Business.

Study mo'olelo and Hawaiian composition from the masters.

Liberal Arts for Entrepreneurs 
One-year of paid tuition is available for students interested in earning a two-year liberal arts degree from Windward CC with a focus on entrepreneurship.

Veterinary Technology
Information Sessions
Hawaii’s only Veterinary Technology AS degree program is designed to get you started in a veterinary medicine career. AV/MA-accredited and veterinarian-approved.

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